πŸ“Text Input

Bring your own Lore!

To kick things off, just enter some text. We currently accept up to 30,000 words at a time.

Here are some ideas for approaching text entry:

β€’ Copy-paste your story's text or just write straight from your imagination!

β€’ Upload a PDF Story or Script.

β€’ Use Otter to transcribe your audio to text.

β€’ Pick a story from Lore Machine's public domain library.

β€’ Or, if you must, head to ChatGPT to generate a story.

Some other tips:

  • Include as much descriptive detail as you can about your characters and locations

  • Labeling your scenes helps our system decide when to create a new image.

When you’re happy with your story, click Visualize. Lore Machine will begin synthesizing your text. In the background, Lore Machine is codifying the visual attributes of your story's characters, locations and even vibes!

Last updated